It's All Yours
artist tracks duration
alt-J 01 Intro (4.38) 04:38:00
alt-J 02 Arrival In Nara (4.13) 04:13:00
alt-J 03 Nara (4.55) 04:56:00
alt-J 04 Every Other Freckle (3.35) 03:36:00
alt-J 05 Left Hand Free (Extended Version) (2.54) 02:54:00
alt-J 06 Garden Of England - Interlude (1.08) 01:08:00
alt-J 07 Choice Kingdom (4.16) 04:18:00
alt-J 08 Hunger Of The Pine (4.58) 05:00:00
alt-J 09 Warm Foothills (3.45) 03:45:00
alt-J 10 The Gospel Of John Hurt (5.13) 05:16:00
alt-J 11 Pusher (3.29) 03:29:00
alt-J 12 Bloodflood pt.II (5.17) 05:20:00
alt-J 13 Leaving Nara (2.01) 03:01:00
alt-J 14 Lovely Day (Bonus Track) (4.02) 04:02:00


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